Peer Review Process

A. All research published in the journal is subject to generalized arbitration by specialists with research experience and distinguished scientific standing.

B. The editorial board, in cooperation with the advisory board, prepares a list of scientifically distinguished arbitrators, and this list is updated continuously and periodically, as the journal secretly uses two referees for one research, and the editor-in-chief may choose another when needed to refine the research.

C. Arbitration is conducted according to an electronic system according to the generalized arbitration system in force for peer review of the journal.

Researchers are submitted and judged via the internet according to the generalized arbitration system as follows:

1. The researcher sends his research through the journal's website according to the form specified for that, which allows the researcher not to disclose his name and his entire statement within the research that will be sent to the arbitrator.

2. The journal's electronic system responds to the researcher by receiving his research, and he will be answered as soon as possible, and this is a maximum of two days.

3. The journal's editor-in-chief or an assistant to the editor-in-chief shall respond to the researcher if there are formal amendments in the research and do not comply with the journal's publishing policy.

4. If the researcher makes the amendments, the editor-in-chief of the journal or an assistant to the editor-in-chief sends the research to two of the deliberate referees of the journal, and the arbitrator is asked for his opinion in the research in writing according to specific elements that include:

a. Originality of the search.

B. Research Methodology.

C. Societal and cognitive benefit and added value.

D. Commitment to the American documenting and citation system according to the American (APA) system.

E. The integrity of the research steps and the building of the achievement, extrapolation, and conclusion.

5. At the end of his evaluation of the research and expressing an opinion on it, the arbitrator is also required to determine whether the research is valid for publication or not.

6. If the arbitrators request amendments to be made, the editor-in-chief of the journal or one of the assistants of the editorial board shall reply to the researcher by the necessity to make the amendments related to the arbitrators and send them as soon as possible.

7. The researcher who is deemed necessary by the referees to make amendments and additions to the research is informed of the required modifications to be made before publishing the research.

8. If the researcher sends his research after making the amendments requested by the arbitrators on the journal’s website, the editor-in-chief or one of the editor-in-chief's assistants sends the research again to the arbitrator to ensure the extent of the researcher's commitment to making the amendments related to the research.

9. If one of the arbitrators rejected the research and the second accepted it, the research shall be presented to a third arbitrator to decide whether to accept or reject it.

10. If the research is accepted by the arbitrators, the editor-in-chief informs the researcher of the final opinion of the arbitrator within a week of receiving the arbitrator's responses.

11. If the research is rejected by the arbitrators, the unacceptable researcher shall be informed of his research with the opinion of the referees, to reject his research and not publish it in the journal.