Visualize the role of inclusion in improving the quality of life of deaf and hard of hearing children.


Teacher at government school


Seeking to be personal sentence together to be effective and successful in its community.
There was a need to pay attention to printing in this direction
Environmental care schematic diagram, getting to know their children, and the family's role in it.
This is because the mentality of the disabled person is completely different from the healthy one, and this is due to an internal perspective, whereby files are attached to the integration into society; his pathological conditions, which makes him warn from inside a dark-colored shell, enveloping his life with sadness and grief, and the gap between him and his society widens, which It makes him grow increasingly distressed and withdrawn
This study seeks to achieve the main objective of:
This study seeks to answer a major question:
Is there a role for modern technology in improving the quality of life for hard-of-hearing children?
From this question, a group of sub-questions are divided into:
Is there a role for inclusion in improving the emotional and social aspects of life, communication and the hearing impaired?
This study uses the descriptive approach that is appropriate to the nature of this study, as the descriptive approach provides a huge amount of data about the phenomenon under study, and it is within the framework of this study that the role of modern technology in improving the quality of life for the hearing impaired
The social sample survey approach, which is one of the most appropriate approaches that are suitable for large communities.


Main Subjects