The role of media directed to children in resisting terrorism.


Faculty of education, Ain Shams University


The issue of terrorism is one of the most important cases discussed in the media locally and internationally. When we discuss this issue through the media, we always address the adults without addressing children. Why don’t we have media directed to the children?? The child today is smarter because he lives in the world of technology and communications, Psychologist’s advice against practicing racism within the family. They advise us to take care of the children, to creat a good environment for discussion, to Instill the values of self-respect, and the child may carry out anything required of him until he becomes an individual within a terrorist cell. The media has a great role that affects the child as the child gains most of his knowledge and culture from various media, so there must be cooperation between all the media institutions to present a message to the child that matches his language and respects his intelligence. So that the child knows the value of the homeland, what is the meaning of the word "terrorism" and how to protect his country. It also has to show the value of the armed forces that protect the country, to provide cultural programs for parents on how to deal with children, all media institutions must cooperate to provide information directed to children to protect them culturally, religiously and politically, in what is appropriate with their ideas and mind to keep them from terrorism. Prevention is better than cure.


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