The role of modern educational technologies in developing kindergarten curricula


king abd elaziz university


Recent years have witnessed tremendous development in science and knowledge, especially in fields related to the natural and applied sciences, and the human sciences in all its branches. Under this development; It was natural for other fields related and related to education to develop, including education and its technologies, and this includes modern education techniques that were able to reach kindergartens and their role in development. The growing escalation of modern educational trends has greatly contributed to the development of educational curricula and learning methods, and contributed to laying the basic pillars of sustainable development, and these trends aimed to change old educational methods and to stimulate innovation that would lead to improving the educational process and increasing the effectiveness of education, Education technologies have a great role in the educational process of the kindergarten stage, and not only that, but all educational stages that follow, considering that kindergarten is the basis and nucleus that must be taken care of in order to build a generation capable of assimilating science in other ways different from the traditional methods based on indoctrination. This is what this worksheet will touch upon: The role of modern educational technologies in developing kindergarten curricula. The aim of developing kindergarten curricula on the basis of educational techniques.


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