Positive socialization of the child And its effect on his future


Al-Marj Educational Administration - Ministry of Education


From the above on the issue of socialization, some points can be drawn: Social upbringing in societies today is undergoing a real crisis reated by conditions of social and economic change, and openness to world cultures with the acceleration of technical progress in the field of information and communication; As the traditional institutions of upbringing (family, mosque, school) are no longer the only ones that control the transmission of norms and values, and the development of attitudes among youth in society. The family is the main responsible for the process of socialization and social control of the child. Among the proposed solutions and recommendations for a healthy, positive upbringing of children in light of the repercussions of the times, That the family adopts positive methods and strategies for raising the child away from the authoritarian, permissive, or wrong methods of upbringing. The necessity for concerted efforts of the institutions of the society as a whole to complement the opportunity for positive upbringing of the child, Emphasis on the existence of societal models as a role model or as role models for them to be emulated in the upbringing of children. That the family is well aware of the child's basic needs and meets them in a balanced manner in order to avoid the disadvantages of deprivation upon raising the child.


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