Planning to spread a culture of social peace to strengthen the intellectual security of university youth


Assistant Professor, Department of Social Planning, Higher Institute of Social Work in Port Said


The phenomenon of intellectual deviation and distance from moderation and moderation stands as a stumbling block to the progress of society, which threatens the entity of the nation. Youth protection can only be achieved by linking the university to society and emphasizing the inclusion of all parties, urging young people to belong to the homeland and educating them not to be attracted to Western cultures, because the youth category Male and female university students in all societies are usually exposed to many risks. Then the study aimed to determine the level of social peace culture among university youth, determine the level of intellectual security among university youth, and identify the difficulties facing the role of spreading a culture of social peace in strengthening intellectual security among university youth, leading to a proposed plan to activate the role of spreading a culture of social peace in Strengthening the intellectual security of university youth. It concluded that the needs and problems of young people should be accurately and continuously identified in order to develop plans and design programs for university youth care in light of their actual needs.


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