Contributions of non-governmental organizations to achieving sustainable development for the population of border areas A study applied to the area (Shalateen - Abu Ramad - Halayeb)


Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work specializing in Community Organization


 Non-governmental organizations have recently been seeking to achieve the sustainability of social, economic and health services in poor, marginalized, desert and border areas in order to improve the quality of life and achieve the requirements of sustainable development to assess the needs and address the problems of the border areas. What are the contributions of non-governmental organizations in achieving sustainable economic development, what are the contributions of non-governmental organizations in achieving sustainable environmental development, what are the contributions of non-governmental organizations in achieving sustainable health development, and this study is considered one of the descriptive and analytical studies, and the researcher used a measurement form - an interview form, To collect the data of the study, the comprehensive and sample social survey method was used. The study was applied by NGOs (Shalateen - Abu Ramad - Halayeb) on board members - beneficiaries of services, and the study found an answer to all its questions, which emphasized the role played by organizations civil society in achieving sustainable development for the population of the regions Borderline study sample.


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