Practicing good governance mechanisms and building institutional capacities for NGOs from the perspective of community organization


phd of Philosophy in Social Work


Good governance for NGOs is a system of oversight and guidance at the institutional level, which helps in making rational decisions related to the performance of NGOs, It is also considered a system that supports justice, transparency, institutional equality and leadership democracy, which requires the need to fulfill the requirements of building institutional capacities for funding, training, planning and information NGOs. To achieve its desired development and humanitarian goals, this study aimed to identify the nature of the practice of transparency mechanisms and build the institutional capacity of NGOs, to identify the nature of the practice of accountability mechanisms and to build the institutional capacity of NGOs, to identify the nature of the practice of democracy mechanisms and to build the institutional capacity of NGOs, to identify the nature of the practice of Empowerment mechanisms and institutional capacity building for NGOs, and this study is considered a descriptive and analytical studies, and a measurement form was used through the use of the sample social survey method. The study was applied to NGOs in Aswan Governorate on members of the executive committees of NGOs. Ali expressed all the proposed questions, which emphasized how good governance mechanisms can contribute to building the institutional capacities of NGOs.


Main Subjects