The relationship between family conditions and the attitudes of Muslim university youth towards Western values A comparative field study applied to a sample of Qatari and Egyptian societies


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University

2 Director of the Administrative Structure Quality Department at Cairo University


The study issue was to identify the relationship between family conditions and the attitudes of Arab Muslim youth towards adopting incoming Western values, given that the family represents the first reference group for its sons, and the first mediator for transmitting the culture of society, The study objectives is to determine the relationship between family conditions defined in: (family lifestyle/different degree of family adjustment/economic level/parental education level) and the attitudes of university youth at the universities of Cairo and Qatar towards adopting Western values, The study falls in the method of descriptive studies, and uses the random sample social survey method, and was conducted on a sample size of 300 individuals from Egyptian and Qatari youth, The results of the study concluded that there is no correlation between the level of family adjustment and the attitudes of Muslim university youth (Qatari and Egyptian) towards Western values. This indicates the weakness of the vital role of the family in shaping the values of sons.


Main Subjects