Electronic culture as a variable in strengthening the planning values of university youth


Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University


This study aimed at determining the level of electronic culture among university youth, determining the level of planning values among university youth, and identifying the difficulties which facing the contributions of the electronic culture as a Variable In support of planning values among university youth, leading to the proposed planning mechanisms to activate the contributions of the electronic culture as a variable in support of planning values among university youth, this study is considered one of the descriptive studies, and the study relied on the scientific method using the social survey method in the sample for students of the fourth year – regularity at the faculty of social work, helwan university in the academic year 2020/2021, and their number is (328) single, the study tool was a questionnaire form for students, the results of the study indicate the validity of the main hypothesis of the study, which is "there is a statistically significant effect of the electronic culture as a variable In support of planning values among university youth", and its sub- hypotheses.


Main Subjects