Civil society organizations and their role in enhancing the level of intellectual security for youth


High Institute of Social Work 6 of October


This study is a descriptive study that aims to identify the means and tools used by civil society organizations in developing awareness of intellectual security among youth, and to identify the mechanisms that civil society organizations use in developing awareness of intellectual security among youth, and to describe the role of civil society organizations in enhancing the level of intellectual security for them. Youth, and identifying the obstacles facing civil society organizations that limit the benefit from the programs to enhance intellectual security offered by these organizations to youth, and then reaching the most important proposals to increase the contribution of these organizations to the development and strengthening of intellectual security among youth. This study used the comprehensive quality social survey approach By sample, the results of the study concluded that the most important means used by civil society organizations are seminars and the most important methods used by civil society organizations are the encouragement method, and that the most important tools are the preparation of a database for these organizations, and that the general average of the role of the method of community organization in promoting intellectual security is average, and that the most important Obstacles are the obstacles that belong to the community, and the most important proposals are to establish projects that contribute to increasing the organization's income.


Main Subjects