Digital citizenship as an approach to strengthening the political participation of university youth


faculty of social work- aswan university


The study aimed to determine the reality of digital citizenship and political participation among university youth, identifying the most dimensions of digital citizenship in support of political participation among university youth, (the level of digital access - the level of digital commerce - the level of digital communications - the level of digital literacy - the level of digital etiquette - the level of digital law - The level of digital rights and responsibilities - the level of digital security - the level of digital health and safety) What are the dimensions that most support the political participation of university youth? (the level of political interest - the level of political knowledge - the level of political voting - the level of political demands). While the research relied on the case study approach and the social survey by sample, and was applied to a sample of beneficiaries whose size was (200) individuals and a sample of experts: the sample size was (22) individuals. The researcher used a questionnaire tool for university youth about digital citizenship and strengthening their political participation, a guide A semi-regulated interview with experts and specialists in the field of digital citizenship, and the study found proposed executive mechanisms to activate digital citizenship in strengthening political participation among inclusive youth


Main Subjects