The knowledge and training needs of social workers in the medical field in light of health pandemics


Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Helwan University


This study is considered one of the descriptive studies that used the social survey method. This study aimed to identify the cognitive needs that social workers working in the medical field need to deal with health pandemics, and to identify the training needs that social workers working in the medical field need to deal with health pandemics, and to determine Obstacles that prevent social workers working in the medical field from developing their knowledge and training aspects to deal with health pandemics, and identifying the necessary proposals for social workers to develop knowledge and training aspects to deal with health pandemics. The study concluded that the most important knowledge needs are knowing how to intervene professionally with patients in times of crisis and knowing the methods of cooperation with civil society organizations in educating citizens, and that the most important training needs need training on new methods for the skill of registration and need courses on decision-making, and that the most important obstacles due to for professionals Social workers The many burdens placed on social workers, as well as the weakness of organizing training courses for specialists related to health pandemics.


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