Sociology of the educational institution's relationship with its society


Doctor at the Higher Institute of Applied Studies In Humanities in Zaghouan, University of Tunis


Any cooperation between the family and the school is considered to be an important strategy helping the school to face the challenges of the third millennium. When the family is well informed about the school's efforts to educate their children, they will show understanding of their goals and provide the necessary assistance.
        Many sociologists highlight the value of multifaceted family - educational institution exchanges and their contribution to educational effectiveness and academic success.
       All those who belong to the field of the sociology of education agree that the harmony family environment and the school system has a primordial role in the supervision of the child and contributes enormously to the development of his personality and any disagreement between the two. alters the childish personality.
          The family and educational institution relationship must be mutual and complementary. The state, whatever its financial capacity, is not always able to meet the material needs of the School.
          The assistance of the family therefore becomes essential. The family - educational institution concordance considerably attenuates wastage.


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