Inclusive education for people with disabilities: from conception to concept The Moroccan experience as a model




Moroccan society has known gradual developments with regard to the inclusion of people with disabilities, in fulfillment of international developments and sustainable development on the one hand, and human rights on the other hand, of which the issuance of the Kingdom’s constitution document in 2011 was one of its manifestations....
Each stage of these transformations had a specific logic that led it, and an organizational and legislative system that controlled its boldness, as well as results that formed the basis for the loyal evolutionary vision, to improve the integration process..
In order to understand this integrative strategy, which was the result of a succession of several attempts to integrate people with disabilities into the Moroccan educational system, it is necessary to identify the various contexts that paved the ground for building and daring inclusive education, and consequently controlled its development, in order to crystallize a comprehensive and integrated concept about inclusive education, and to complete the picture It is necessary to identify the legal and regulatory legislation that frames them. All this to form a directed view that enables us to objectively read the reality of the practice of inclusive education in educational institutions in Morocco or abroad.


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