The effectiveness of a training program for developing emotional intelligence skills to deal with individual cases in the school field using the simultaneous virtual classroom "zoom"


ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Department of SOcial case work, Higher Institute of Social Work, Benha


 The study aimed to: To test the effectiveness of a training program based on the virtual classroom "zoom" as a new technique in delivering training content to develop emotional intelligence skills to deal with individual cases in the school field. and the Researcher comducted the scale on (120) third year students (males and females) of the Training Field of  High School of Social Work in Benha for the academic year 2021AD (trainees in the school field) in secondary schools in the city of Shebin El-Koum and those who have experience in dealing with the zoom program, and the sample was selected from those who obtained the lowest scores on the scale (emotional intelligence skills), and their number (40) Male and female students, each consisting of (20) males, (20) females, and the results of the study concluded: that there is a strong effect of the training program based on the virtual classroom "zoom" as a new technique in delivering training content to develop emotional intelligence skills to deal with individual cases in the school field That is.


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