Social Problems And Their Relationship To Future Anxiety Among Families Of Autism Spectrum Children


the higher institute of social work in kafrelsheikh


The study aimed to determine the relationship between social problems and future anxiety among families of children on the autism spectrum, and a deliberate sample of (100) families of autistic children were selected, enrolled in civil centers in the city of Cairo by (40) parents, (60) from The mothers also used two scales (Social Problems Scale - Future Anxiety Scale) as a tool for the study, and the results of the study showed that there is a positive, statistically significant relationship between social problems and future anxiety among families of autistic children at a level of significance of ).0.05).
he study recommended the need to provide mental health services where parents have access to mental health services that directly address stress, and parents should learn coping skills to deal with stress related to raising a child with autism spectrum
And holding periodic meetings between families of children on the autism spectrum among themselves to exchange experiences and expertise by providing parent support groups that are coordinated by service provision centers or schools attended by children under the supervision of specialists in psychological counseling, and recommending the establishment of separate groups for male fathers on their own where they feel comfortable talking to others. Those who live similar experiences, and focus on transferring successful experiences in dealing with families of the autism spectrum in other societies


Main Subjects