Planning Awareness as a Mechanism for developing Crisis and Disaster Management Units at Assiut University


faculty of social work- asuit university


The current study aimed to identify the role of the (cognitive - emotional- behavioral) aspect of planning awareness in the development of crisis and disaster management units at Assiut University, in addition to identifying the obstacles of planning awareness in developing crisis and disaster management units at Assiut University, and reaching at a proposed planning vision for the development of crisis and disaster management units at the University Assiut using schematic awareness, where it came as a descriptive study using the comprehensive social survey method for officials and workers of crisis and disaster management units in the faculties of Assiut University (Faculty of Agriculture- Faculty of Education- Faculty of Computers and Information- Faculty of Nursing- Faculty of Medicine- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine), and their number is (55). The study also used a questionnaire directed to the employees of those units, and it The study reached a proposed planning through which crisis and disaster management units can be developed at Assiut University using the planning awareness of the officials and workers of those units at the university, And also within the visualization a set of planning indicators for planning awareness proposals in the development of crisis and disaster management units at Assiut University: including increasing the awareness of workers about the risks of crises and disasters on Assiut University and the local community, strengthening the workers’ vision of the importance of planning to confront crises and disasters


Main Subjects