Attitudes of the cinematic experts towards the use of mobile phones in film industry in Egypt


Faculty of Mass Communication, Beni Suef University


The mobile phones has played other roles greater than being a tool for communication only, lately mobile phones were used in film industry at the global level as well as the local one, especially with the spread of mobile phones supported by high-quality cameras, where many directors used the mobile phone cameras in making their documentaries and fiction films, some of which achieved has been very successful and popular, and a number of film festivals have given awards to films made with mobile phones. The study aims to monitor and analyze the attitudes of the cinematic experts towards the use of the mobile phone in the film industry; and to identify the reasons for using mobile phone technologies in film industry, and its impact on the industry and the cinematic narrative in terms of the artistic form and the content. This study belongs to qualitative descriptive research, whereby in-depth interviews conducted with a sample of the cinema experts of filmmakers and film critics, to identify their attitudes towards the use of the mobile phone in the film industry in Egypt.


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