Saudi youth awareness of the terrorist organizations’ use of the new digital media


Journalism teacher at Benha University


Through this field study, the researcher sought to monitor, analyze and explain the extent to which Saudi youth are aware of the terrorist organization’s employment and use of the new digital media, and to determine their perceptions of the most important media that the organization exploits to serve its goals, and the most important of these goals it seeks to achieve. The study also monitors the perceptions of young people Saudi Arabia for the most important methods of grooming used by the organization to attract young people, in addition to knowing the views of the youth of the study sample on the extent of the success of the new digital media in performing its media and social responsibility in its coverage of the organization’s news, and whether it actually succeeded or was the organization able to exploit those coverages for its benefit, and the results of the study showed that Media coverage related to terrorist organizations needs comprehensive review and planning, and is characterized by inaccuracy and objectivity at times, in order to achieve the scoop in covering the news of the organization. A high level of awareness among the Saudi youth sample of ISIS terrorist organization’s use of media For the new digital media to serve its interests and achieve its goals.


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