Sociology of culture from the three directions (Bronislaw Malinowski, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Pierre Bourdieu)


Qassim University - Saudi Arabia


               This study aims to analyze the content of sociological schools of the concept of culture, its trends and methods of analysis. Let us note that the existence of a culture depends on the existence of previous cultures, and it is related to the ones that preceded it. Malinowski relied on biological determinism in his interpretation of culture, which we may consider one of the pioneers of the first era in research and interpretation of culture. As for the second era, it was with Claude Lévi-Strauss when he stated that culture is the basis of social organization and explained culture in this sense. Finally, with Pierre Bourdieu, he has interpreted culture and linked it to the issue of habitus, where he made cultural preparations determinant and specific, determining human behavior and at the same time changing the behavior of the individual. The study also aimed to analyze the content and directions of sociological schools in culture and to reveal changes in schools of cultural anthropology and cultural sociology secondly.
The study concluded with a number of results, perhaps the most important of which is despite the different sociological schools in analyzing culture, they analyze the same field with clear scientific methods, and as societies progress and develop, the local culture has changed and mixed with foreign ones, and the explanations for this change differ.


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