The Effectiveness of the Control Methods Used in Higher Education Institutions in the Era of Digital Transformation


Assistant Professor of Social Planning, Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University


The problem of the study in the current research was to study the supervisory methods used by higher education institutions to carry out their supervisory function and the effectiveness of those methods according to the requirements of the era of digital transformation. Determining the relationship between the supervisory methods used in higher education institutions and the effectiveness of those methods in determining the relationship between the effectiveness of the supervisory methods used in higher education institutions and the requirements for developing those methods to be more effective in the era of digital transformation. The supervision used in higher education institutions to be more effective in the era of digital transformation, Determining the proposed mechanisms for developing the supervisory methods used in higher education institutions to be more effective in the era of digital transformation. High, there is a significant relationship between the supervisory methods used in higher education institutions and the effectiveness of those methods in the era of digital transformation. There is a significant relationship between some demographic variables and the effectiveness of regulatory methods in the era of digital transformation. The study ended with a set of recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the control methods used in higher education institutions in the era of digital transformation.


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