Using the task-focused model in group work to achieve social adjustment for student's Educational Retardation


Social group work teacher higher institute of social work benha


This study belongs to the type of empirical studies that are concerned with studying the relationship between two variables, one of which is independent (the focus on the group member model), and the other is dependent, which is (achieving social adjustment for student's educational retardation). Using one of his designs, the tribal and post-experiment using two groups, one experimental and the other controlling, and this study aimed to design a professional intervention program based on the group member focus model aimed at increasing social adjustment for students who are late in school, as well as testing the effectiveness of practicing the group member focus model to increase compatibility. Social for students who are late in study, which is achieved through: a. Testing the effectiveness of practicing the group member focus model to increase the sense of self-worth of the late students, b. Testing the effectiveness of practicing the group member focus model to increase the ability to take responsibility for students who are Educational Retardation, c. Testing the effectiveness of practicing the focus on group member model to increase the ability to form social relationships for students educational retardation. What was indicated by the results of the group’s dimensional measurement for the dimensions of the scale as a whole, where the differences came in favor of the dimensional measurement on all dimensions of the social adjustment scale for students who are late in school, as well as its sub-hypotheses?


Main Subjects