Factors affecting the level of job satisfaction for faculty members sent abroad


Associate Professor of Community Organizing Faculty of Social Work Helwan University


            This study aims to identify the level of job satisfaction for faculty members who sent abroad on scientific missions, this study came to reflect the extent of interest in this phenomenon, in an attempt to identify the factors affecting job satisfaction, which can be summarized in:
• Identify the factors affecting the level of job satisfaction among faculty members in general.
• Arranging the factors determining the level of job satisfaction according to their relative importance to faculty members.
• Measuring the degree of difference between the faculty members who are satisfied with the work and the dissatisfied category in terms of (educational degree, experience, age.
            It was conducted on faculty members working in Egyptian universities and participants in training courses (scientific missions) eligible for their travel abroad. The study included a sample of (377) singles. The study used a set of appropriate statistical methods in the nature of the data and hypothesis of the study such as (ratios, frequencies, average Weighted by weights, test (Z), test (Ka²), the study reached a set of results, the most important of which are:
1. There are a number of factors that affect the level of faculty members’ satisfaction with their work represented in (satisfaction with work relations, management of scientific departments, job security for faculty members, college management, promotion system in force at the university, working conditions for faculty members at the university The salary received by faculty members at the university and its attachments).
2. There is no agreement among the faculty members on the arrangement of the determining factors for the degree of job satisfaction (salary, faculty management, and promotion, working conditions, relations between colleagues, job security, and department management).
3. There is no significant difference between faculty members in terms of job satisfaction or not, according to the demographic characteristics that distinguish them (educational degree, education level, work experience, age).
4. The study reached a set of objective recommendations in this field.


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