The mechanisms of work of governmental and civil organizations to confront crises and societal disasters


Assistant Professor of Community Organization, Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University


This study is considered a descriptive analytical study, because this type of studies is concerned with describing the existing conditions in society and defining the prevailing rules and standards in it. Therefore, this study aims to identify the mechanisms of the way society is organized through various organizations and develop a culture of dealing with crises and disasters. The main objective of the study can be achieved by Through the following sub-objectives: 1. Identifying the material and moral aspects of governmental and non-governmental organizations working in the field of crises and disasters. 2. Knowing the nature of services and programs provided by governmental and non-governmental organizations to develop a culture of dealing with crises and disasters. 3. Determining the role of governmental and non-governmental organizations working in the field of crises and disasters (before - during - after) crises and disasters. 4. Identifying the difficulties that governmental and non-governmental organizations face in providing their services and programs in the face of crises and disasters. 5. Reaching a future vision for the professional practice of the way of organizing society to help both governmental and non-governmental organizations in the face of crises and disasters, and the study answered all its questions.


Main Subjects