The contribution of NGOs to empower families with primary care


Assistant Professor of Community Organization, Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University


It is clear through studies and research the importance of the role that the method of community organization can contribute through civil associations in empowering the most caring families, especially in light of the social and economic conditions and changes that our society is going through. During the analysis of the latest international and Arab studies and research conducted on the professional practice of the method of community organization in NGOs and their role in empowering the most caring families, leading to a set of mechanisms through which they can contribute to activating their role to empower the most caring families, so the current study aimed at: Identifying the programs Provided by NGOs to enable the most caring families, as well as determine the contribution of NGOs to the financial support for the programs provided, and determine the contribution of NGOs to technical support for the programs provided, as well as identifying the difficulties faced by NGOs in supporting programs to empower families with most care, and finally arriving at a vision The future of the role of the community organizing method in activating the role of NGOs to empower the first families The study used the social survey method, and the study answered all its questions.


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