The Effectiveness of Digital Transformation in Enhancing Transparency in Civil society Organizations.


1 Department of Social Work and Community Development, Specialization in Community Organization, Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.

2 Department of Social Work and Community Development, specializing in the fields of social work, Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.


The study aimed at trying to determine to what extent the aspects of the effectiveness of digital transformation affect transparency in civil society organizations, such as identifying the aspects of the effectiveness of digital transformation in promoting financial transparency, transparency of governance, professional transparency, and social transparency in civil society organizations, and the importance of the study is manifested through; Understanding and analyzing the variables of transparency and digital transformation, as it is one of the vital topics at the present time due to their direct and strong impact on the groups entrusted and beneficiaries in the field of social service at the same time. Determining the extent to which the effectiveness of digital transformation affects transparency in civil society organizations is extremely important, It is a descriptive study, which adopted a combination of the case study approach of the Orman Society in Dakahlia as a spatial society, and then the social survey method for members of professional work teams (the human society of the study), The study found a number of divergent results, as it confirmed the weakness of the effectiveness of digital transformation in enhancing financial transparency, The moderation of the manifestations of the effectiveness of digital transformation in enhancing the transparency of governance, the weakness of the manifestations of the effectiveness of digital transformation in enhancing professional transparency, and the strength of the manifestations of the effectiveness of digital transformation in promoting social transparency, Then the study recommended a proposed vision to enhance transparency in civil society


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