Intellectual Capital and the Efficiency of Social Solidarity Sectors in Cairo Governorate


Assistant Professor of Social Planning, Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University


The current study aimed to determine the level of intellectual capital in the social solidarity sectors in Cairo Governorate, determine the level of efficiency of the social solidarity sectors in Cairo Governorate, determine the difficulties facing the contributions of intellectual capital in improving the efficiency of the social solidarity sectors in Cairo Governorate, and arrive at proposed planning mechanisms to activate the contributions of capital Intellectual in improving the efficiency of social solidarity sectors in Cairo Governorate, his study is considered one of the descriptive studies, which aims to determine certain characteristics or a specific situation that has a specific character. The study relied on the scientific method using the comprehensive social survey method for officials in the social solidarity sectors in the Social Solidarity Directorate in Cairo Governorate, and their number is (160) individuals. The data collection tools were represented in a questionnaire form for officials about intellectual capital and the efficiency of social solidarity sectors in Cairo Governorate. Human capital, structural capital, relational capital


Main Subjects