Reengineering requirements as one of the mechanisms community organization method and train workers in higher education institutions


helwan university


The “Covid-19” crisis has greatly affected the process of institutional transformation and the achievement of sustainable development goals in light of the Kingdom’s vision 2030. Therefore, there is a new requirement aimed at the need to re-engineer higher education institutions by achieving what is called “reengineering”, especially “reengineering of human resources.” And that is through achieving the requirements of reengineering in the next stage, training workers, achieving the goals of educational institutions, and reaching a future vision for activating training for the development of human capital in higher education institutions. Other organizations around the world and in various sectors rushed to take this new management method and use it to develop the various fields of work in them, and because of the impact of restructuring in improving administrative processes in higher education institutions and achieving their goals, it saves time and effort for the senior administrative leadership to draw up a strategy for the institution. University, motivate employees, develop strengths and address weaknesses The creative energies inherent in each individual among them, which necessarily reflects on the teaching and learning system. The study aimed to describe the reality of the requirements for achieving reengineering in higher education institutions in the light of the training of workers. This study belongs to descriptive studies and used a sample social survey.
