Requirements for developing field training at Al-Azhar University in light of digital transformation


Department of Social Work and Community Development, Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University in Cairo.


The digital transformation in universities has become a modern trend that corresponds to the nature of the changes and requirements of the era. This necessitates the necessity of bridging the digital divide in the use of technology, and he inevitability of shifting to a digital model of universities in response to the highly turbulent environment.(Especially after the world passed through the Corona pandemic and the turmoil that accompanied it and imposed on universities the use of digital platforms), One of the effective tools for digital transformation, and digital transformation has become in need of an effective administrative system, and that social work is not isolated from what is happening in the world of developments and changes that have led to the necessity of digital transformation. Global challenges in dealing with the technological development in the technical and technological field, so we find that all social work education programs in all social work colleges and institutes compete in their training programs in order to prepare social work students and a good selection of field training supervisors, as well as a good selection of training institutions, and on that The aim of the research is to identify the requirements for developing field training at Al-Azhar University in the light of digital transformation and to develop a proposed scenario to achieve the requirements for developing field training at Al-Azhar University in the light of digital transformation, using the case study approach.


Main Subjects