The reality of the digital trans formation of NGOs and a proposed vision from the perspective of social planning to activate it


Institute of Social Work in Kafr El-Sheikh


In light of the rapid developments witnessed by the current era, the importance of benefiting from modern sanctification as a means of helping to overcome many challenges that imposed themselves on many institutions such as NGOs, where the Corona situation imposed new methods of socio-economic life, Among the most prominent transformations imposed by the most important of them is the reliance on modern technology in carrying out business and achieving goals, and this transformation represents a real opportunity for all state institutions and NGOs in particular. Hence, it was necessary for NGOs to prepare well to receive this transformation imposed by the state to achieve maximum benefit from it, and from here the current study came to identify the reality of this digital transformation in NGOs at the present time and the degree of readiness to implement it and the aspects of benefiting from it and the challenges that impede its implementation in NGOs Eligibility up to the proposals activating it transformation and setting a future vision for the Eligibility criteria in light of digital transformation. The study used the social survey method for NGOs that were registered on the platform of the Ministry of Social Solidarity to reconcile their positions electronically. The search form was applied to the members of the board of directors of these associations, and the study reached a number of results, the most important of which were: 1-The absence of a computer management specialist within the association.


Main Subjects