Community dialogue in social group work and the development of environmental responsibility among women towards hayah karema project


Lecturer in the Department of social group work Higher Institute of Social work in Sohag


The semi-experimental study aimed to develop the environmental responsibility of women towards a decent life project for members of the local community, and to identify the relationship between community dialogue in the service of the community and the development of environmental responsibility among women towards a decent life project for members of the local community. Semi-structured interview tools were used in the experimental method, and a measure of women's environmental responsibility towards a decent life project. The study was conducted on 60 women who benefited from the Decent Life Project in Sohag Governorate. The results came to confirm the validity of the sub-hypotheses of the study, and the validity of the main hypothesis that there are statistically significant differences between the average scores obtained by the members of the research sample in the measure of environmental responsibility of women towards a decent life project before and after the application of the community dialogue program.


Main Subjects