Assessment of training needs of experts and social workers in family courts to provide clients with life management skills to achieve family harmony.


Social expert at the Ministry of Justice PhD in Social Work - Faculty of Social Work - Helwan University - Department of Social Planning


The human power in any society is considered the most important and valuable resource because of its potential for development and growth, as well as its ability to use other available resources to serve the community, and there are many developing societies rich in natural resources, but they cannot invest all these resources due to the lack of the human element or the educated, trained, aware Able to make a real contribution to the development of society.
And the successive changes that the Egyptian family has recently undergone in all aspects, especially with regard to the conflicts within it, whether at the internal level and the exacerbation of these conflicts or at the legal level and the methods of confronting these conflicts. The idea of establishing a family court came to be. Hence, the importance of examining the disintegration, dysfunction, and successive social changes that afflicted the Egyptian family emerged, which affected it functionally and structurally, and resulted in several family problems, most notably violence against the housewife. Since the social worker is the professional person responsible for practicing the social service profession and the tool through which its objectives are achieved, he is in constant need to acquire more knowledge, skills and experience, which refines his professional personality so that he is more able to perform his responsibilities and contribute to a more effective role in improving professional practice.. But the reality of social work within the courts at the present time needs to be developed and activated more, in order to provide the frequenters of the family courts with life management skills such as the skill of managing resources - the skill of rationalizing consumption - the skill of decision-making and problem-solving - the skill of effective communication, in order to achieve harmony between spouses and between Parents and children and between parents each other, The results of the study showed that holding training courses for court presidents to understand the role of experts and social workers and the use of university professors and experts to provide counseling programs for battered women and diversifying the information and experiences included in the training courses on all family problems and benefiting from the experiences of other countries in the field of dealing with family disputes and holding training courses on programs Teaching wives the skills of anger management, conflict resolution, decision-making, and reaching family harmony is one of the most important proposals to activate the benefit from training courses so that the hesitant women acquire life management skills.


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