The impact of tourism on human capital development


King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


          Tourism at the global level has become one of the sectors that contributed to the renaissance of societies in general, which was reflected in one way or another on the development of human capital, as the tourism sector provided 10.3% of the global GDP and 330 million jobs in 2019, either at the local level and based on the data issued For the World Travel and Tourism Council, there has been remarkable progress and growth in the tourism sector in the past decade in the Kingdom, as this sector contributed to an increase in the Kingdom’s gross domestic product by approximately 4.64% between 2009 and 2018. The national strategy for tourism, based on Vision 2030, also witnessed goals, foremost of which is the development of the capabilities of national cadres in line with the needs of the tourism labor market and linking them to promising professional opportunities that enable them to grow professionally, sustain and raise the quality of tourism in the Kingdom. Therefore, this study comes to describe and analyze the impact of tourism in promoting tourism human money. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the impact of tourism on the development of human capital through the following sub-objectives: the impact of tourism on increasing job opportunities from the perspective of workers in the tourism sector, the impact of tourism on promoting values from the point of view of workers in the tourism sector, the impact of tourism on developing Youth skills from the point of view of workers in the tourism sector. The study reached the following results: Direct contact and continuous interaction between individuals with different social and cultural backgrounds affects the values of host societies. The results also showed that the social effects of tourism may be important and immediate in host societies so that Exposing them, which appear as a result of the development of the tourism industry itself or as a result of the interaction of the elements of the local community with tourists, and these effects may be positive or negative effects. The current study also revealed that the efficiency and effectiveness of these tourism companies depends on the competence and ability of the human element.


Main Subjects