The culture of digitization and the development of the professional performance of social workers working in social solidarity departments


Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work Social planning SPECIALITY


Professional performance is a focus of many social sciences, The world today is changing rapidly in the fields of technological development and rapid information exchange systems, The culture of digitization showed new cultural requirements as a result of the spread of science and technological knowledge, Therefore, this study aims to determine the role of digitization culture and the development of the professional performance of social workers working in social solidarity departments, The results of the study concluded that the indicators of digitization culture in social solidarity departments (electronic communication - technological knowledge - technological skills) came at a medium level., The indicators of the professional performance of social workers in social solidarity departments (knowledge basis - skill basis - value basis) came at an average level., The results of the study also came up with many proposals, including the intensification of training programs for social workers on the use of technology with beneficiaries, the conviction of social workers to use modern technology in social solidarity departments, the availability of a technological environment for social workers to practice their professional work.


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