A measure of the social skills of the autistic child (Study in honesty and reability(


phd philosophy in social work , social casework specially


This study is considered one of the studies dealing with scales in order to ensure the validity and reliability, which aimed to build a scale of social skills for the autistic child, as well as to verify the validity and reliability of the scale of social skills for the autistic child. The scale was presented in its initial form to a group of professors of psychology and special education. The positions that were not agreed upon were deleted by 90% by the arbitrators of the scale. Correlational validity was used by calculating the correlation coefficient between the current social skills scale and the social skills scale prepared by Amal Bazha on a sample of 30 mothers of children with autism. The value of the correlation coefficient was 0.733, which is a statistically significant value at the level of 0.1, which indicates the validity of the scale, and to verify the stability of the scale, a re-scale was performed with a time difference of 15 days on a sample of 30, and the value of the correlation coefficient reached 0.645, which is a statistically significant value at the level of 0.1, and this indicates scale stability.


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