The Requirements for using Online Therapy in Case Work to Deal with the Mal Adjusted Behavioral Aspects Related to Silent Divorce


Intermediate Institute of Social Work in Sohag


               The current research aims to determine the requirements for using online therapy in case work to deal with the mal adjusted behavioral aspects related to silent divorce, and to achieve the objectives of the research, the study was applied to a single sample of (64) social workers and experts who's working in family fields ,A tool was used to measure and define the requirements for using online therapy in case work to deal with the mal adjusted behavioral aspects related to silent divorce, and the results of the study revealed the most important requirements for applying  online therapy in case work to deal with the mal adjusted behavioral aspects related to silent divorce ranked in descending order, as follows: cognitive, administrative, skill and value, requirements, and in the end Indicators were reached to develop a training program for social workers working in family fields. 


Main Subjects