Impact from social protection programs provided to the elderly in social care institutions


faculty of social work -helwan


In the recent period, the state's interest in providing a decent life for all segments of society, especially the elderly, has increased, as they are the group that has provided society with all its efforts. Therefore, the state seeks, with its governmental and private institutions, to improve and develop social protection programs provided to the elderly, by measuring the return from providing these programs and the extent of their contribution In helping the elderly to achieve adaptation and integration and to improve the social and economic level in society, so the study aimed to determine the level of social protection programs provided to the elderly in social care institutions, to determine the level of the return of social protection provided to the elderly in social care institutions, and this study belongs to evaluation studies, and it used the social survey method The comprehensive survey of officials in social care institutions for the elderly amounted to (33) individuals, and the comprehensive social survey for the elderly amounted to (99) individuals. The researcher applied a questionnaire form for officials and a questionnaire form for the elderly. Social protection as determined by the elderly in order of programs (economic - cultural - and finally health), while the officials ranked it in the programs (social - economic - and finally health). The results of the study also proved that the level of dimensions of achieving the return of social protection programs provided to the elderly in social care institutions as determined by the elderly were represented in (social relations - achieving social adjustment - and finally improving the economic situation).


Main Subjects