The effectiveness of addressing science, technology and society (STS) issues in teaching science in the intermediate stage to develop the decision-making skill of female students


1 PhD researcher, College of Education, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia

2 Professor of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Science, College of Education, King Khalid University


The present study aims to find the extent to which some contemporary scientific and technological issues are addressed in the content of Science curriculum for intermediate stage, grade 3 and their effectiveness in developing decision-making skill of middle school students. Study population consisted of middle school students. A sample of (27) middle school female students was selected. A list of some contemporary scientific and technological issues that must be taken into account in the content of the Science curriculum for the third intermediate grade in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Likewise, an analysis card must be taken into account for the content of the Science curriculum, third intermediate grade in the first semester in light of contemporary scientific and technological issues and a test of attitudes to measure the impact of STS applications on decision-making skill among middle school students. The research reached the following results:
1. Science curriculum content for third intermediate grade, first semester, adequately considers contemporary scientific and technological issues and therefore does not give a positive indication for achieving the objectives of scientific and technological education for female students, considering that the curriculum constitutes a mainstay in the educational system.
2. Number of issues that were taken into consideration in Science curriculum content, third intermediate grade reached (18) out of the total of (22) health education standards that were prepared.
3. There is a significant impact of using a science, technology, and society-based program (STS) in science teaching on developing decision-making skill for intermediate school students.


Main Subjects