Contemporary Patterns of Love in Martial Relations from the Perspectives of Some Sociologist of Emotion A Theoretical Study


PhD Candidate of Sociology at King Saud University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh


The current study aimed to find out the contemporary patterns of love in marital relations from the perspective of some sociologists of emotions. The study findings pinpointed patterns represented in the following: distant love pattern by the sociologist Ulrich Beck, the liquid love pattern by the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, and fictional love pattern by the sociologist Eva Illouz. They are considered an opposition to previous patterns of love in the modern societies; as distant (remote) love patter is the opposite of close love pattern in the past which spouses used to have while they were close to each other in one house; while liquid (fragile) love pattern is the opposite of solid love pattern in the past which was characterized by its strength that directs the relationship between the spouses rather than their personal interests and desires; whilst fictional love is the opposite of realistic love pattern in the past which used to be established between the spouses after their marriage without any external influences which could have contributed to its growth between them before their marriage.


Main Subjects