Using artificial intelligence as an input to develop digital professional practice for social workers working in the health field


Assistant Professor, Department of felds in Social Work, Faculty of Social Work - Fayoum University


The study aimed to determine the role of artificial intelligence in developing the digital professional practice of social workers working in the health field. The analytical descriptive approach was used, and the study relied on the questionnaire as a tool for the study, to determine the level of digital professional practice of social workers working in the health field. The study concluded that the level of knowledge, skills, and values ​​of digital professional practice for social workers working in health institutions is high. Also, the most important obstacles to artificial intelligence applications in health institutions were identified, which are represented in the lack of sufficient budget for the application of artificial intelligence in health institutions, violations of customer privacy, and also the difficulty of designing and transferring ethical values ​​through Computer The study also concluded the need to provide the infrastructure of devices, programs and networks on an ongoing basis within health institutions and the need to prepare effective plans for training and qualifying social workers to apply artificial intelligence in health institutions. The study also found the most important models, strategies, tactics, skills and roles of digital professional practice that social workers need to work in health institutions using artificial intelligence applications. Finally, the study came up with a proposed training program to develop the skills of artificial intelligence applications among social workers working in the health field.


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