The role of student unions in alleviating the behavioral problems of orphaned children in primary education


phd of Philosophy in Social Work Community Organizing Specialization


The study aimed to identify the role of student unions in alleviating behavioral problems (aggressive behavior - withdrawal behavior - rebellious behavior) in the primary education stage for orphan children, and to identify the obstacles facing student unions in alleviating behavioral problems and to come up with proposals to activate student unions that contribute in alleviating the behavioral problems of orphan children, The study was applied to a sample of (30) respondents from social workers and union leaders in a number of primary schools in the Naida village, Sohag governorate, This study belongs to descriptive studies that depend on a comprehensive enumeration of all social workers in the institutions specified for the application of the study and the leaders of the student union, The study concluded that the level of student unions' contribution in alleviating behavioural problems (aggressive behaviour - withdrawal behaviour - rebellious behaviour) among orphaned children in primary education is high. The most important obstacle is the failure to seek the help of experts and specialists when developing the activity plan. The most important proposal was to increase the number of social workers in schools.


Main Subjects