Duality of Structure for Social Reality: Public Health as a Model


Lecturer in Sociology, Department of Social Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, King Saud University.


Duality of Structure is an important concept in modern sociology. However, it was resulted after the case of the dialectic between the major theoretical premises and the minor theoretical premises. Accordingly, the study tries to fall the definition of the duality of the structure for structure with Giddens to the applied aspect of the social reality through the public health at the Saudi Society. Accordingly the study concluded to the important following results: While the duality of the structure means the creation of the individuals to the dual regulations within its organized practices, in order these practices shall be returned as a dual regulations for the public health. Accordingly, the dual structure of the public health at the Saudi Society, refers to the health behavior for the individuals arising from the policies of the public health issued from the ministry of health, and the intervention of the individual to these policies at his daily practices arising from his reliance of them, then these regular practices exchanged into structure another time for the public health to enter at the status of production, and the assured re-production for the dual structure process.


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