Artificial Intelligence as a Mechanism to Improve the Quality of Education in Mainstream Schools


phd of Philosophy in Social Work, specializing in Social Planning.


This study is one of the descriptive studies through which it is possible to obtain accurate information that depicts and diagnoses reality and contributes to the analysis of its phenomena, and it has the ability to provide some scientific and logical explanations for the phenomenon under study. This study aimed 1- Determining the level of using artificial intelligence as a means to improve the quality of education in mainstream schools. 2- Identifying the difficulties that impede the use of artificial intelligence as a means to improve the quality of education in mainstream schools. 3- Identifying proposals to address the obstacles that impede the use of artificial intelligence as a means to improve the quality of education in integration schools. Where the results proved that the level of using artificial intelligence as a means to improve the quality of education in integration schools, as determined by officials, reached (2.72), which is a high level. Education in integration schools is average.” The results showed that the level of artificial intelligence requirements as determined by officials reached (2.43), which is a high level.


Main Subjects