Contributions of Government Rehabilitation Centers in Achieving Community Inclusion for Persons with Physical Disabilities.


1 , Islamic University of Gaza

2 Ministry of Social Development


The study aimed to assess the contributions of government rehabilitation centers in achieving community inclusion for Persons with Physical Disabilities (PwPDs). This study is an evaluative study that relied on the social survey method using a comprehensive census approach. The researchers used a questionnaire specific to PwPDs, and it was administered to 151 beneficiaries of the Gaza Center for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities in the Gaza Strip. The study found that the center's contribution to improving negative behavioral patterns was moderate (57.5%), whereas its contribution to improving social status was low (55.3%). Additionally, the center's support in enabling persons with physical disabilities to address their issues and providing them with knowledge and skills was rated as moderate (51% and 57.1%, respectively). The study also identified several obstacles that hindered the center's ability to promote community inclusion, with a high level of severity.The study also identified several obstacles that hindered the center's ability to promote community inclusion, with a high level of severity.


Main Subjects