Professional performance efficiency of social workers working in private associations in the field of education


PHD of Philosophy in Social Work, specializing in community organization


The goal of the research to determine the level of efficiency of the performance of the professional workers of social workers in NGOs, and this study belongs to descriptive studies, and the researcher used a comprehensive social survey methodology for social workers working in NGOs, their number is (93), and the researcher used a form to measure the efficiency of the professional performance of social workers. The study found that the level of professional performance of social workers working in NGOs is (medium level) according to indicators (rate of performance of NGOs, use of professional skills, optimal investment of available resources and capabilities, cooperation with work flow), and that there are difficulties facing the efficiency of performance Some of them refer to (social workers, NGOs, youth beneficiaries), and among the most important proposals to increase the efficiency of performance is the provision of communication channels between specialists and different sectors, holding training courses, and proposing recommendations have been developed to achieve quality professional performance.


Main Subjects