Effect Use spiritual entrance in social work to reduce the phenomenon of school bullying a study applied to social workers working in schools of education in the Mukalla Directorate.


Assistant Professor at Hadramout University, College of Girls Head of the Social Service Department


The aim of the research is to determine the therapeutic methods in the spiritual approach that benefit the social worker in his work and the extent to which they mitigate the phenomenon of school bullying, the study was conducted on a sample of (93) social workers or teachers in charge of work and the results of the research showed that: form the point of view of social workers there is a medium positive correlation between the therapeutic methods and the strategies used to reduce the phenomenon of bullying, it is significant correlation at a significant level of (0.03) and (0.01) meaning that the more remedial methods are used and strategies are applied easily, the more it helps to reduce the phenomenon of bullying among students in schools.


Main Subjects