Future anxiety among young people about to get married


Lecturer, Department of Work with Individuals and Families, Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University


               I have young people who are about to get married? The study aimed to determine the degree of anxiety about the future for young people who are about to get married. The study relied on the future anxiety scale, prepared by Sawsan Eid Attia 2019, and the scale consists of five dimensions, namely (the physical aspect, the cognitive aspect, the emotional aspect, the social aspect, and the economic aspect). Young people about to get married? Where the results of the study revealed that the weighted average weight of the future anxiety scale as a whole was 2.30, with a standard deviation of 0.29, and this indicates that the study sample young people suffer from future anxiety at a high rate, and the first sub-question, which is what is the degree of anxiety on the part of the physical dimension of the young people who are about to get married? It was statistically verified, as it came in the first order, and the weighted average weight was 2.41 with a standard deviation of 0.73, which is a high degree and indicates that the study sample suffers from gross symptoms associated with anxiety in a high way, and the second sub-question, which is what is the degree of anxiety in terms of the cognitive dimension of young people who are about to marriage? Where it came in third place, The weighted average was 2.29, with a standard deviation of 0.69, which is a high degree indicating that there are some thoughts indicating anxiety among young people who are about to get married, the study sample, and the third sub-question, which is what is the degree of anxiety on the part of the emotional dimension of young people who are about to get married? It came in the fifth order, where the weighted average was 2.21 with a standard deviation of 0.72, which is a medium degree and indicates that the emotional state of the study sample is affected by the future anxiety that they suffer from. Where the social aspect came in the order of 2.23 and a standard deviation of 0.76, which is a medium degree, indicating that the effect of future anxiety on the study sample in the social aspect is moderate, and the fifth sub-question, which is what is the degree of anxiety on the part of the economic dimension among young people who are about to get married? Where it came in the second place and the weighted average was 2.40 with a standard deviation of 0.66, which is a high degree indicating that the future anxiety of the study sample is linked to the economic aspect in a high way.


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