Youth vision of the future as support for development issues in Egypt


Social expert at the Ministry of Justice PhD in Social Work - Faculty of Social Work - Helwan University - Department of Social Planning


The question of understanding the future, its being and nature is as old as man himself. This longing for his coming fullness has been necessary for man through the ages and has been embodied in him in various forms and hopes. As long as a person has resorted to astrology, magic, superstition and the use of talismans and other tools and methods to explore the features of the unseen, and in vain, only to increase his illusions, fears and limitations, if history studies are aimed at drawing lessons learned, future foresight studies indicate that the dream may turn into reality, and that there are various different mechanisms to reach the same one goal and the logic of forward-looking Studies is awareness of the reality of the change that surrounds everything and the fact that we are partners in shaping the future.
The interest in exploring the features of the future image of young people stems from several other considerations, such as their abilities and their passion to know everything that is unknown, especially if it carries dangers, threats and challenges, which must be anticipated, as well as the Association of looking to the future with the advancement of Science and the availability of material resources. The most ignorant and the poorest people are the least concerned about the future because they are immersed in pressing daily problems, and they are more preoccupied with the requirements of the addition, there is a successive change sweeping the world, its rates and pace are constantly accelerating, it is not possible to catch up with it and keep up with it, but to influence its industry, reformulate it, or direct it in line with interests and priorities. Since talking about the visions of young people is inseparable from understanding their relationship with the ruling elites, this relationship, in order to open a better path towards future prospects, must become the essence of empowerment.


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