Social factors leading to relapse among recovering addicts


PhD researcher - Qassim University - Saudi Arabia


The objectives of the study were defined: the study aimed to identify the social factors (related to the personality of the recovering person, the family of the recovering person, groups of friends and peers, community institutions), leading to relapse in recovering from addiction, the study aims to develop some solutions and proposals that may limit relapse for recovering from addiction, the researcher used the study method: this study relied on the descriptive 64) valid resolution for input and analysis. The study tool was used: the researcher in the current study used the questionnaire. A number of statistical manipulations were introduced: the results were analyzed, the data were interpreted and statistically processed using the SPSS program according to the appropriate methods for the study objectives. The study has reached the following main results: 1-the most important social factors related to the personality of the recovering person that lead to relapse of drug use are (the search for imaginary happiness (euphoria), the false belief that drugs help to forget worries and problems, feelings of isolation, depression and anxiety lead to relapse, ignorance of the harms of drugs leads to relapse). 2-the most prominent social factors related to the family of the recovering person that lead him to relapse to drug use (the family's lack of knowledge of the nature of the addiction disease, the presence of a negative view by the family towards the recovering person, the fear of many parents of the recovering from the society's view of the family, the family's ignorance in dealing with me after discharge from the hospital). 3-the most prominent social factors related to groups of friends that lead the recovering person to relapse to drug use are (the influence of users on each other, Keeping Up With Bad Friends, the presence of friends from relatives who use drugs). 4-the most prominent social factors related to community institutions that lead the recovering to relapse to drug use are (the lack of a comprehensive plan to exploit the energies of young people, the lack of suitable places where young people spend their free time, the lack of awareness programs for young people when they travel abroad.


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